abril 13, 2006

Rotting Swan

A journey cold and low
full of grief and emptiness
the dreams of dust crumbling
down the abyss that eats you

All the effort in the end
leads to a strange illusion
all that kills and threats
rains in her endless sleep

Burned from the light outisde
a pure swan weeping fragile
hides from the hunting mood
to look for the safest home

Cursed by the sound of a tear
lonely and dear from her heart
how many times I'll have to cry
to save her old feeling inside

If only she dares to walk in
the drain once a while I
would carry her into this nest
a peaceful waters rest

Music tastes like wine aside
as I drink the pain I feel
I'm dying close to the leaves
by they sacred pretty side

By: DarkCapricorn

2 lágrimas:

Anonymous Anónimo derramou...

e extremamente belo o modo como no escuro te diluis ao som das lagrimas da lua cheia!lembra te que os lagos gelados tambem derretem!

4:17 da tarde  
Blogger *@rclight* derramou...

és um autentico poeta!
as tuas lyrics temem,sobresaem e envolvem.
dá largas!
pois elas recompensár-te-ão!

10:17 da tarde  

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