junho 23, 2006

Mind in Dope

Endtime is coming with heaven wings
disposable news of an hatred world
when you're awake from a fire coma
take your suicide in a box of hate

The shadows of the lungs of hell
waiting to be driven by the devil
in a dream softly whispered in pain
introducing the last day on earth

All the drugs can't set me free
from your horrible twilight
all the drugs can't make me go
away from your mind in dope

As my conscience get lost in masks
I make a no turning back journey
to fight all my past with nobody
the thing that you've became

2 lágrimas:

Blogger Sorrow_Leviathan derramou...

drugs rule lollol:P

11:07 da tarde  
Anonymous Anónimo derramou...

o que tu queres sei eu pa q; *

10:48 da tarde  

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